Wednesday, March 14, 2012

They develop a software that turns the language of signs into text

The project conducted by Scottish researchers could overcome many of the obstacles that deaf people have to join the labor system. Program is expected to be ready in a year

A group of scientists dela Universidadde Aberdeen, Scotland, is working on developing software that movements of the hands could become text through a camera connected to devices.

The project "could wipe out many of the barriers to employment of the deaf" and be ready for implementation in a year. It is the first time that research on such technology.

The system would consist of a camera that records signals from the user's hand, then through software installed on the computer translated the signals into typed text.

The basic program is called Portable Sign Language Translator and is a kind of application that can be implemented on computers of all kinds, tablets, smartphones or other device.

Moreover, this system could be implemented in specific vocabularies, like the technical language of a section of work.

This development "will reduce the communication barrier between people who are born deaf, people who lost their hearing at an early age or that they are losing their hearing to listen to people," said Ernesto Compatangelo one of the entrepreneur who seeks to promote this software.

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