The young person known as Bastian P. faces a sorrow of three years and ten months of jail, condemned for a German court for " massive violation of the copyright ".
Bastian P., principal responsible for the programming of the portal of unloads and streaming (that was going enough time in the gun-sight of the Justice together with other sites like Megaupload, SeriesYonkins and Taringa!) it received a hard sentence on the part of the German Justice and it will have to face a total of three years and ten months of prison, as reported the agency EFE., one of so many sites that were offering links to unloads of files and services of streaming of movies, French, Dutch and Russian was closed on June 8, 2011 in an operative set between German policías, Spanish woman. It managed to have a traffic of 4 million users and during the roundup more than 2.300.000 Euros were blocked in multiple bank accounts, product of the large income of the portal.
The programmer was the employee best full of and from the beginning of the judgment it admitted that he was the principal person in charge of his functioning, declaring in addition not to have been conscious of the illegality of his acts, since he was thinking that there was moving inside the frame of "alegal" (it is to say, something neither legal nor illegal). The judge of the reason scorned the arguments of the defendant and sentenced it to a sorrow of 42 months of open prison, slightly less than 4 years requested by the District attorney's office.
The founder of the site, a Spanish citizen known in the means as Dirk B., still has not appeared before the court, but on the basis of this judgment it thinks that it will receive a sorrow severer enough than that of the programmer of the portal.
Fits to emphasize that after the closing of and on the basis of the information kidnapped of his servants, a study was effected on the profile of the users of the portal, which conclusions received scanty diffusion since there was demonstrated that the users supposedly "pirates" of were going more to the cinema and were buying more DVDs with his favorite movies that the users I divide equally.
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