This way it is revealed by a report realized by the consulting Experian Marketing Services. In the last més, the platform registered 104 million visits, overcoming to names of the height of LinkedIn, Tumblr and Google +.
Pinterest, the social network that allows to find and to share those photographies and videoes that us are of interest in virtual slates of cork, continues with his supported growth, being positioned as one of the portals by major projection of the web universe.
Experian Marketing Services, signature dedicated to the digital marketing, has spread a report where it affirms that Pinterest already has turned into the third social network most visited of the United States, behind Facebook and Twitter, total dominators of the segment, and exceeding opponents of the height of MySpace, LinkedIn and Google +, one of the big bets of the company of proprietary Mountain View of the biggest seeker of the world.
According to the information revealed by the report, during last month Facebook it brought a total of 7,000 million visits, Twitter I register 182 millions and Pinterest 104 million, which turns it into the most popular social way from the emergence of Facebook and YouTube. Anyhow it is necessary to emphasize that the revelamiento does not bear in mind the income done from mobile devices, as what networks like Twitter might have major numbers.
" This site really took off. It has been a brilliant ascent from his launch and especially during the last months " indicated Matt Tatham, spokesperson of the consulting one. " (Con Pinterest) is almost like to renew something old. The social networks are fabulous. Pinterest is wonderful. The way like the people shares contents in this network is very new ".
Created in 2009 as Paul Sciarra, Evan Sharp and Ben Silbermann, the service (still in version opened thread) has had the most dizzy ascent that is remembered in the last years. In May, 2011 it was showing the respectable number of 418.000 only visitors a month, not badly at all for a new network to which it is needed to enter with an invitation. To ten months of this count, Pinterest has multiplied this number almost 40 times, registering 17,8 million only visitors in March, as ComScore has revealed.
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