Sunday, March 11, 2012

Microsoft shows its prototype projector with touch pad

The company seems very focused on making innovative products and technologies "futuristic".

Microsoft seems quite interested in the touch pad first, with its 40-inch table, and now with a new technology recently developed by Hrvoje Benko researcher called OmniTouch. It was developed at Microsoft Research and will allow us through an interactive projector perform various actions, such as receiving calls or notes given on any surface.

This curious device was shown during the "TechFest" held in Redmond, the headquarters of Microsoft in charge of area this type of prototyping.

The device, which has a chamber similar to that of Kinect, is mounted on the shoulder of the user and from there projects an image toward any surface that is positioned in front, by adjusting its size to the surface for convenience.

When we have thought about where we work, play a little blue button and will display different buttons that can interact virtually. Among them is a numeric keypad for making calls or application Paint pretty rustic style.

Obviously this new projector is in pre-alpha stage where they are beginning to experiment and try out different functions. While much still missing, this could become another gadget that will revolutionize both the area of ​​video games as well as everyday people.

We leave the video demonstration of the prototype to draw their conclusions:

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